Ass. Prof. Aurélien Dommergue (UGA)

is an assistant professor at UGA (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) and works at the Institute for Environmental Geosciences IGE). He works on the mercury atmospheric cycle in remote regions of the planet including polar areas and high altitude sites. He has published around 60 papers on mercury, atmospheric chemistry and polar microbiology. He is the Head of the Department of atmospheric and snow chemistry at IGE. He has coordinated several national programs and polar campaigns and has participated in numerous international projects. He has supervised 6 PhDs and trained more than 15 MSc students.

Supervisor of: ESR1
Co-supervisor of: ESR2, ESR14

Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat (JSI)

is the Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences on the “Jožef Stefan” Institute and a Dean of the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan. She is GMOS-Train project coordinator. She has co-ordinated a number of projects related to mercury research including biogeochemical cycling and modelling in environmental and health related research projects. She was a working group member for the preparation of the EU position paper on mercury and the UNEP Global Mercury Assessment Report in 2002, 2013, and contributes to 2018 report. Currently she coordinates EMPIR project MercOx- Metrology of oxidized mercury (2017-2020) and EU funded projects 7 FP ERA Chair – ISO-FOOD and Spreading Excellence and Widening H2020 – MASSTWIN (Enhancing mass spectrometry in health, environment and food research). She has been a member of the Scientific Steering Committee for International conference Mercury as a Global Pollutant -ICMGP since 1996 and a Chair in 2004. She also was Guest Editor of 8 Special journals (EHP, 4ABC, Marine Chemistry, 2 Environmental Research) dedicated to mercury issues. She has successfully supervised 20 PhDs, 6 MSc students and 4 postdocs.

Supervisor of: ESR2, ESR10
Co-supervisor of: ESR4, ESR9

Dr. David Point (CNRS)

is Head of the GC-IRMS platform. He has successfully supervised 12 MSc students, 3 PhD students and 2 post-docs.

Supervisor of: ESR3
Co-supervisor of: ESR6

Dr. Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida (AMU-MIO)

was trained in analytical and environmental chemistry at the University of Jena and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Research Warnemünde. After a PhD in Chemical Oceanography at the Oceanographic Laboratory at Villefranche sur Mer, he was postdoc at Geosciences Environment Toulouse and Junior Professor the University of Bremen. Since 2015 Lars-Eric is CNRS research scientist at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography at the Aix-Marseille-University in France. He is interested in the application of novel techniques to outstanding questions on trace metal cycling in the ocean, with an emphasis on low-level speciation, stable isotopes and sensor approaches. Lars-Eric organized several intercomparison exercises to improve mercury species measurements in sea water. Much of his research addresses the fundamental questions of how much mercury resides in the oceans, how much we have have added and which portion of it makes its way up the marine food chain. Trying to find answers, Lars-Eric participated in over 30 oceanographic cruises to the Mediterranean, Black and Baltic Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, Southern and Arctic Oceans. He co-authored the United Nations Environmental Programme Global Mercury Assessment 2018 & the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme for Mercury 2021. He is member of the GEOTRACES Standards & Intercalibration committee and co-organized the 12th,13th, 14th & 15th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant.

Supervisor of: ESR4
Co-supervisor of: ESR6, ESR7, ESR9

Dr. David Amouroux (UPPA)

is a CNRS Senior Scientist appointed at IPREM Institute (CNRS-UPPA UMR 5254) and he is co-responsible if the IPREM Cluster for Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology (30 permanent research staffs). He is an environmental chemist and biogeochemist, interested in the cycling and reactivity of mercury in the environment. He has experience as principal or partner investigator in 15 international projects (bilateral, EU) and 30 national projects. He has supervised the work of 20 PhD students and 20 Postdoctoral fellows. He has authored more than 170 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 40 invited conferences, and worked as expert for project evaluations for national and foreign research funding agencies.

Supervisor of: ESR5
Co-supervisor of: ESR4, ESR7

Prof. Dr. Joel Knoery (IFREMER)

is at the Laboratoire de Biogéochimie des Contaminants Métalliques (LBCM) and a senior Ifremer researcher. He works on marine mercury measurements  and mercury biogeochemical dynamics in the ocean.  Habilitated (=HDR) since 2009, he has successfully trained, given their current professional status, 2 post-docs, 3 PhD’s and 10MSc, and held various managerial positions at Ifremer. He coordinates and has contributed to national and international research projects.

Supervisor of: ESR6
Co-supervisor of: ESR13

Dr. Sofi Jonsson (SU)

has a faculty position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Science (ACES), Stockholm University, Sweden. Sofi’s research focuses on understanding the biogeochemical cycling of Hg in marine systems and in particular methylation and demethylation processes of mono- and dimethylmercury. She has previously participated in scientific cruises in the Arctic Ocean and Baltic sea and. Sofi graduated in 2013 and has (as a PhD and principal investigator) already been awarded three major prestigious research grants (with a total amount of ca 9,350 Keuro) from the Swedish Research Council and The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. She has first authored papers focusing on Hg in prestigious international peer-review multidisciplinary journals including Nature Communication, Nature Scientific Reports and Science Advances. Sofi has gained experience in supervising students while assisting in supervising PhD students while conducting her research in Professor Robert P. Mason’s group at the University of Connecticut (US) and as a main supervisor of a PhD student at ACES (since 2018).

Supervisor of: ESR7, ESR8
Co-supervisor of: ESR9

Dr. David Kocman (JSI)

David Kocman is Head of Environmental Informatics within Department of Environmental Sciences at Institut “Jožef Stefan” in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has a BSc in Geology and PhD in Ecotechnology. His main research interest is in cycling and fate of pollutants in the environment, with emphasis on anthropogenically perturbed ecosystems. To this end, his initial research focused on the study of related processes based on laboratory and field measurements, followed by the use of mathematical models and spatial analyses using geographic information system (GIS) tools, and more recently his research has expanded to testing of advanced environmental monitoring approaches with the help of new sensing and information technologies, comprising participatory sensing and testing of Citizens Observatory concepts. He is a member of the Expert Group within the UN Environment Global Mercury Partnership Program and a lead author of global aquatic releases chapter as part of the Global Mercury Assessment. He is an author/co-author of over 40 scientific papers and book chapters, and participated in more than 30 national and international research projects.

Supervisor of: ESR9
Co-supervisor of: ESR8

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Lobnik (IOS)

is since 2009 a Full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, where she is leading the Centre of Sensor Technology. In 2006 she co-founded a spin-off company IOS Ltd. She is currently interested in applicability of scientific research in the field of sensors, nanomaterials, water treatment & recycling processes. In the meantime, she is involved as a Technical Manager in the Resyntex project, Horizont 2020, dealing with depolymerization of textile wastes to a new secondary raw materials.

She is also active in promotion of the science as a President of the Slovenian Academic Association of Natural Sciences and Engineering, and as a Board Member of Director’s of International Sol Gel Society. She promoted science also through the TEDx lecturing in CERN ( other-emotions). She received several international as well national awards (CITEX Award, France, The UM prize forthebestresearcher, SlovenianArmyAwardsforResearch&Development,SaubermacherAward,Goldmedal for the best innovation). She is member of various scientific organizations, delegations, committees. She is author/co-author of 30 patents/patent applications, of more than 120 scientific and conference papers, she gave more than 30 invited lectures, she is author and co-author of 5 scientific monographs and 7 scientific chapters. She was involved in 56 mentorships of BA, MA and doctoral students. As a project manager, she participated in more than 40 national and international research projects.

Supervisor of: ESR11
Co-supervisor of: /

Prof. Dr. Nicola Pirrone (CNR-IIA)

is a research director at the CNR-IIA and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences of the University of Michigan. He has been co-ordinator of several international research projects and Chairman of several European and international WGs and Task Forces (i.e. UNEP, UNECE, IGBP) and served as an expert in FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects. He has published over 300 papers in the peer-reviewed literature.

Supervisor of: ESR12, ESR15
Co-supervisor of: /

Prof. Dr. Corinna Schrum (Hereon)

is a Director of the Institute of Coastal Research at Hereon and holds a full professorship at University of Hamburg (UHAM). She has been the coordinator of European projects (EU-FP7: SEAS-ERA 249552, Topic A SEAMAN) and supervised 12 PhD students.

Supervisor of: ESR13
Co-supervisor of: ESR5

Prof. Dr. Ralf Ebinghaus (Hereon)

is head of the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Professor at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. He was WP leader for airborne Hg observations in the EU-FP7 project GMOS, a co-author of the Global Hg Assessment Report 2013, and a WPleader  in the ERA-PLANET project iGOSP. Prof. Dr. Ebinghaus has supervised 18 PhD and 34 MSc students.

Supervisor of: ESR14
Co-supervisor of: ESR7

Dr. Johannes Bieser (Hereon)

Researcher and Junior Group Leader on multi-compartment modeling at the Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon, Germany. Dr. Bieser started working on  atmospheric mercury modeling in the original EU-FP7 project GMOS and  started working on marine Hg modeling in the course of the ERA-PLANET  Project iGOSP. He is a co-author of the Global Mercury Assessment (GMA, 2018) and the Arctic Mercury Assessment (AMAP, 2021). In 2023, Dr. Bieser was nominated by the Federal Republic of Germany as an expert for the Open Ended Science Group (OESG) of the UN Minamata Convention on Mercury. His main work is the development and application of earth system models for global cycling of persistent pollutants with a special focus on marine transport, transformation, and bioaccumulation.

Supervisor of: ESR12a

Co-supervisor of:  ESR5, ESR13