Warren T. Corns (PSA)
Dr. Warren Corns is Head of Research and Development of PS Analytical Ltd based in Orpington, UK. He has a BSc in Marine Chemistry and PhD in Analytical Chemistry. His main area of expertise is in the field of automated trace element analysis of mercury and hydride forming elements. He has working in this field since 1985 and was involved in the early development of atomic fluorescence spectrometry for mercury and hydride forming elements. Warren works closely with academia supervising graduate, MSc and PhD students. He is a consultant for industry, managing and supervising various monitoring projects. He has conducted numerous Hg surveys on oil, gas and petrochemical plants focusing on the performance of mercury removal units and the issues of Hg embrittlement and catalysis poisoning. He was awarded the Hilger Spectroscopy Prize for his achievements in Analytical Chemistry and his research team has been awarded numerous awards such as the RSC Industrial Innovation Award for their work on Hg in the Petrochemical Industry. The PSA research group are currently involved in numerous projects including the 16ENV01 MercOx project which is investigating the metrology and traceability of oxidized mercury. Warren is actively involved in the production of standardised methods for mercury sitting on various ISO/CEN/ASTM/BSI technical working groups as is the nominated UK principal expert. This covers a wide range of applications including ambient air, emissions, petrochemicals and food. Warren is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Science and Institute of Air Quality Management and has published over 60 peer reviewed papers on trace element analysis.

Noelle Eckley Selin (MIT)
Noelle Eckley Selin is Associate Professor in the Institute for Data, Systems and Society and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is also the Director of MIT’s Technology and Policy Program. Her research uses atmospheric chemistry modeling to inform decision-making on sustainability challenges, including mercury as well as other hazardous substances. Her work also examines interactions between science and policy in international environmental negotiations. She is the author (with H. Selin) of the book Mercury Stories: Understanding Sustainability through a Volatile Element (MIT Press, 2020). She received her PhD from Harvard University in Earth and Planetary Sciences as part of the Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group. Her M.A. (Earth and Planetary Sciences) and B.A. (Environmental Science and Public Policy) are also from Harvard University. Her articles were selected as the best environmental policy papers in 2015 and 2016 by the journal Environmental Science & Technology. She is the recipient of a U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER award (2011), a Leopold Leadership fellow (2013-2014), Kavli fellow (2015), a member of the Global Young Academy (2014-2018), an American Association for the Advancement of Science Leshner Leadership Institute Fellow (2016-2017), and a Hans Fischer Senior Fellow at the Technical University of Munich Institute for Advanced Study (2018-2021).

Elsie M. Sunderland (Harvard)

Katarina Gårdfeldt (SPRS)
Professor Director General Katarina Gardfeldt is appointed by the Swedish Government as Director-General for the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, SPRS. As a government agency, the SPRS is mandated to co-ordinate and promote Swedish polar research and organize and support research expeditions to the polar regions.
Gardfeldt is Professor in Inorganic Environmental Chemistry affiliated to Chalmers University of Technology, and the previous Director of the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV) at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
Gardfeldt is the initiator of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Northern Europe (SDSN NE). SDSN NE is a part of the Global SDSN initiated by the UN and aims to develop solution initiatives in support of the SDGs in Agenda 2030.
Her research has focused on the global distribution and transformation of mercury and microplastics in polar regions. She has participated in several scientific expeditions to e.g. Arctic, Antarctica and the Mediterranean Sea and been the chief scientist for example during the bilateral Canadian-Swedish expedition to the North pole in 2016.
Gardfeldt is the chairman of the National Committee for Environmental Global Change at the Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA) Sweden.

Elena Lymberidi (EEB)
Elena Lymberidi-Settimo, is the ‘Zero Mercury Campaign’ Project Manager at the European Environmental Bureau(EEB) since November 2004, and Zero Mercury Working Group co-founder and international coordinator since 2005. Elena has extensive experience working on mercury related issues at EU and global levels, including environmental policy analyses and evaluation, also in the field of chemicals, waste and products, as well as on project management and monitoring. Prior experience in these fields resulted from earlier work at the EEB, the European Commission (DG ENV, LIFE unit) and consulting agencies respectively. Elena has a degree in chemistry from the University of Athens, Greece (1991-1996), followed by an M.Sc. in Business Strategy and Environmental Management from the University of Bradford, UK (1996-1997) and a Master in Business Administration from the Solvay/Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (2003-2005).

Eric Prestbo (Tekran)
Dr. Prestbo has been an environmental mercury researcher since 1993 with numerous authored or co-authored scientific publications. His focus is on strategic international opportunities, emerging technology and the laboratory and air monitoring instruments. As former chair of the NADP program, he is recognized internationally in key areas of ambient mercury research and monitoring.

Denis Sarigiannis (AUTH)
M.S., PhD (University of California, Berkeley, USA) is Associate Professor specialising on environment and health issues at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Visiting Professor at the Master’s Program on Toxicology and Environmental Risk at the Medical School of the University of Pavia and senior scientist at the Chemical Assessment and Testing unit of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (currently on leave). At the European Commission he has served as Scientific Coordinator of the IHCP, Action Leader for Consumer Product Safety and Quality and Community Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials, Action Leader for Human Exposure to Environmental Stressors and Health Effects and for Assessment of Chemicals at the European Chemicals Bureau, Scientific Assistant to the JRC Director General, Strategy Manager of the IHCP and as science advisor to the Greek Minister of the Environment. He was a principal contributor to the REACH Regulation and to the Environment and Health Action Plan and is currently member of the Health and Environment Working Party and of the Health Security Committee. He has been pioneering efforts to coupling biology-based modelling with toxicogenomics discovery systems for developing a mechanistically based understanding of the health risk of environmental chemical mixtures. He is member of the international forum for evidence-based toxicology, of the scientific committee for chronic risks of INERIS, and secretary-general of MESAEP. He has contributed to the IPs HEIMTSA, 2-FUN, NO MIRACLE, HENVINET and, CAIR4HEALTH, HEREPLUS, TRANSPHORM, GENESIS, TAGS and INTERA.

Anne Lorrain (IRD)
Anne Lorrain is Director of Research at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) since 2005. She is a marine ecologist with an extensive expertise on the application of stable isotopes to study biogeochemistry, ecophysiology, trophic ecology (from invertebrates to vertebrates) and ecosystem functioning. She has been working on top predators (tuna) since 15 years and is co-leading at the moment a task team of the IMBER CLIOTOP project on Global analyses of top predator stable isotopes. She has also developed an expertise on amino acid – compound specific isotope analysis to study top-predators trophic ecology (AA-CSIA). More recently, she has been leading projects on mercury spatial variations in tropical tuna, adding the ecological component (e.g., foraging habitat, trophic position) to the understanding of their mercury levels. Her main expertise in the GMOS-train project is thus related to the ecodynamics of mercury.

Marilena Muntean (JRC-Ispra)
I am an environmental protection expert, air and climate in particular, with a PhD degree in “Atmosphere and Earth Physics” working at European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Energy, Transport and Climate, “Air and Climate” Unit. My scientific background encompasses most of the key scientific areas related to air quality and climate. Being part of Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) group, I am involved in the evaluation of emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants and toxic pollutants (including mercury), which supports integrated approaches in both research and policy making. More information is provided on EDGAR web site https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

Simon Wilson (AMAP)
Simon Wilson, Deputy Executive Secretary, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).
Degree and PhD in Environmental Sciences. Over 35 years work experience in related science areas, most of which has been spent in international organizations, initially in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), and then the Arctic Council’s Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Work areas encompass data management, coordination and production of international assessments to support science-based policy-making, and communication and dissemination of scientific findings and advice to policy communities. Mercury-related work includes coordinating AMAP mercury assessments, preparing the Global Mercury Assessment (GMA) global anthropogenic emissions inventories, and coordination of production work on the GMA 2013 and GMA 2018.