Number Relative Number in WP Title Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level Due Date (in months) DELIVERY DATE D40 D9.1 Advertisement of ESRs JSI Other Public 3 22.3.2020 D27 D8.1 Projects external and internal websites operational JSI DEC Public 6 8.6.2020 D42 D9.3 ESRs recruited JSI Other Public 12 27.5.2020 D16 D7.1 Training materials from Winter School 1: Introduction to Minamata Convention JSI Other Public 13 19.4.2021 D17 D7.2 Training materials from ethics and IP training JSI Other Public 13 14.6.2021 D19 D7.4 Training material from ERCA Winter School 2_Atmospheric process UGA Other Public 14 28.2.2022 D39 D8.13 Data Management Plan (DMP) CNR-IIA ORDP Public 6 25.9.2020 D21 D7.6 Training materials from Summer School 1 on Metrology in Hg measurements JSI Other Public 30 20.10.2022 D23 D7.8 Training materials from soft skills training PART 1: Science paper writing, oral and poster presentations (CNRS); communicating science to general public and policy stakeholders CNRS Other Public 29 17.10.2022 D24 D7.9 Training materials from Winter School 3 “Global Hg modelling framework and policy making” HEREON Other Public 39 1.4.2023 D1 D1.1. Traceable and robust methodology for the quantification of GOM and GEM; improved understanding of global GOM variability; Improved reaction scheme of Hg oxidation using novel models and databases UGA Report Public 31.10.2024 2.10.2024 D3 D2.1 Validated methodologies for isotopic analysis of MMHg in natural samples at low concentration; 3D (δ13C-δD-δ202Hg/Δ199Hg) isotopic variations of MMHg during biotic Hg methylation experiments; 3D isotopic variations in marine food webs. CNRS Report Public 30.9.2024 8.10.2024 D6 D2.4 Hg speciation and uptake rates in different marine particle size classes; isotope tracing of Hg and MeHg dynamics in coastal regions. IFREMER Report Public 31 Jul 2024 9.9.2024 D4 D2.2 New spatial and temporal Hg speciation in sea water; use of new data in global modelling; isotopic signatures in DGM. AMU Report Public 31.10.2024 7.11.2024 D5 D2.3 Microbial and photochemical processes; revised coastal biogeochemical cycling; isotopic fractionation; novel experimental data. UPPA Report Public 30.9.2024 1.10.2024 D7 D2.5 Desorption kinetics and refractory concentrations of Hg transported on particulate matter from terrestrial sources and reactivity of Hg and MeHg complexed to TDOM and MDOM. SU Report Public 31.10.2024 1.11.2024 D8 D3.1 Mobility of Hg from thawing permafrost and methylation of Hg in thawing permafrost. SU Report Public 31.10.2024 1.11.2024 D12 D5.1 Redox chemistry and air-sea exchange and in coupled 3D ocean-atmosphere models; impact of future emissions changes if Hg transport in Europe. CNR-IIA Report Public 31.10.2024 1.11.2024 D13 D5.2 Model results and sensitivity of marine methylation processes; source receptor study for bio-accumulation of Hg in sea food. HEREON Report Public 31.10.2024 1.11.2024 D14 D6.1 Hg speciation and uptake rates in different marine particle size classes; isotope tracing of Hg and MeHg dynamics in coastal regions. HEREON Report Public 30.9.2024 9.12.2024 D15 D6.2 Global emission scenario development and impacts on global Hg concentrations and deposition; novel global model performance and simulations including model intercomparison. CNR-IIA Report Public 31.10.2024 5.11.2024 D29 D8.3 Presentations of ESR at ICMGP conferences 2021, 2023. JSI Report Public 31.12.2024 10.12.2024 D30 D8.4 Presentations of ESR at AGU, EGU, ICHMET. JSI Report Public 31.12.2024 10.12.2024 D1.2 D2 Aqueous Hg photochemistry; gas phase Hg photochemistry; model validated atmospheric redox chemistry JSI Report Public 31.10.2024 5.1.2025 D3.2 D9 Role of canopy within terrestrial Hg pools using stable Hg isotopes in field studies; Hg in litterfall and its interactions with the organic matter, and incorporation and upscaling of the results in regional and global models. JSI Report Public 31.12.2024 23.12.2024 D4.1 D10 Validated calibration sources for Hg(0) and Hg(II) for low level gaseous Hg measurements; developed and field validated methods for Hg speciation in the atmosphere. PSA Report Public 31.10.2024 12.1.2025 D4.2 D11 Evaluation and testing of proteins with high MMHg specificity; biosensor for MMHg detection in seawater. IOS Report Public 31.10.2024 19.12.2024 D7.10 D25 Training materials from the Summer School 2 “Hg exposure and health” JSI Other Public 31.8.2023 14.11.2023 D7.11 D26 Written individual project proposals following the training on project writing during the Network-wide event 4 JSI Other Public 30.11.2023 7.1.2025 D8.10 D36 Reports on local events at network-wide events JSI Report Public 30.4.2024 5.11.2024 D8.12 D38 Promo videos JSI Websites, patents, filing, etc. Public 31.10.2024 8.1.2025 D8.5 D31 Special sessions at EGU 2020 and ICMGP 2021, 2023 JSI Report Public 31.12.2024 8.1.2025 D8.6 D832 Two special issues of the scientific journals CNR-IIA Report Public 31.12.2024 9.1.2025