In April-May I went to secondment to PS Analytical under the supervision of my co-supervisor Warren T. Corns. Here I worked with calibration of gaseous oxidised mercury (GOM) using HgCl2 permeation tube which we made. We also worked on a new unattended sampling technique for atmospheric pollutants which would be an alternative to the passive samplers. This works come as a need to reduce the uncertainty of the sampling rate that the passive samplers have. The new unattended sampling techniques work with solar powered pumps.

After secondment I presented my work regarding the continuous flow gaseous elemental mercury calibration at the students’ conference organised by the Jožef Štefan International Postgraduate School. The conference took place in Kamnik, Slovenia. After this we attended the second GMOS-Train mid-term meeting which took place in Abisko, Sweden. There we presented our progress, planned future work and had a wee bit of fun.

At the moment I am just working on my manuscripts and preparing for further experiments regarding GOM calibration