
Follow up and support training programmes of the 15 ESRs.

Description of Work

The main tasks are to follow and support local expert training; to organize network-wide S/T and soft skill training during 7 events in cooperation with WP 8 and 9 and MST; to follow-up PCDP writing and updates to be performed during WP7 meetings at the 7 network-wide events.


Management, Training, Recruitment and Dissemination Deliverables WP Lead Type Diss. Due
D7.1 Training materials from Winter School 1 ”Introduction to Minamata Convention” 7 JSI OTHER PU 31 Jan 21
D7.2 Training materials from ethics and  IP training 7 JSI OTHER PU 31 Jan 21
D7.3 ESRs study reports on IP issues and patenting as a result from Soft skills training 7 JSI R CO 28 Feb 21
D7.4 Training material from ERCA Winter School 2: Atmospheric process 7 UGA OTHER PU 28 Feb 22
D.7.5 ESRs reports from the ICMGP outreach training and activities 7 JSI R CO 30 Sep 22
D7.6 Training materials from Summer School 1 on Metrology in Hg measurements 7 JSI OTHER PU 30 Jun 22
D7.7 Written reports on uncertainty of Hg measurements from each of the ESRs work 7 JSI R CO 31 Oct 22
D7.8 Training materials from soft skills training PART 1: Science paper writing, oral and poster presentations (CNRS); communicating science to general public and policy stakeholders 7 CNRS OTHER PU 31 May 22
D7.9 Training materials from Winter School 3 “Global Hg modelling framework and policy making” 7 Hereon OTHER PU 31 Mar 23
D7.10 Training materials from the Summer School 2 “Hg exposure and health” 7 JSI OTHER PU 31 Aug 23
D7.11 Written individual project proposals following the training on project writing during the Network-wide event 4 (month 37) 7 JSI OTHER PU 30 Nov 23


No Dissemination/communication/management milestones WP(s) Lead Benef. Due Date Means of Verification Estimated completion date
26 Summer School 1 and IP training  organized 7 JSI M12 Summer school and training completed M14
28 Network-wide events organized 7,8,9 JSI M48 Network-wide events completed M48
30 ERCA (Winter school 1) completed 7 JSI M14 School and training completed M26
31 Attendance of ESRs at the 15th and 16th ICMGPs 7,8 JSI M47 Training, special sessions and science conferences completed M47
32 Summer School 1 and soft skills training and dissemination and communication 7,8 JSI M21 School and training completed M18
33 Summer School 2 and the soft skills training on project writing organized 7 JSI M37 School and training completed M37
34 Winter School 2 on exposure and human health 7,8 JSI M43 School and training completed M43
35 Attendance at the closing event 7,8,9 JSI M48 Closing event completed M48