13 February 2023 – 14:00-15:30 CET

The Mercury Releases from the Cement Industry Area of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership will hold its annual meeting on Monday 13 February 2023 in an online setting.

The meeting will provide an opportunity to welcome new partners, present recent activities, review the Partnership Area’s business plan, and amongst others feature discussions on prioritized future work in the context of the Partnership Area.

Further information is available on the meeting webpage


  1. Opening remarks and scene-setting
  2. Tour de Table / Introduction of new partners
  3. Updates from the Secretariat of the Global Mercury Partnership
  4. Partners’ updates on ongoing projects and events
  5. Identified priorities for future work
    • Establish sectoral mercury inventories and baseline scenarios for the industry
    • Development and improvement of sectoral mercury emission inventories
      • Development of mercury emission factors
      • Establishing Mercury emissions database
      • Encourage the use of the most appropriate techniques to reduce or minimize mercury releases into the environment
    • Increase the awareness of government and regulatory bodies on mercury as a pollutant through increased outreach efforts
    • Support the development of policies and regulatory frameworks supporting the objective of the partnership area
  6. Presentation of the proposed revised UNEP business plan – By the co-leads
  7. Any other matter
  8. Closure


To attend themeeting, please register in advance through the MSTeams Platform